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This is a website used to publish tricks and technique with a strong focus on offensive security, red teaming, penetration testing.

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Our team enjoys finding and exploiting vulnerabilities and is always focusing on improving.

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Server-side Template Injection - Discovery and Exploitation

Discovery and Exploitation Server-side Template Injection.

#Web #SSTI

Executing Linux Binaries Without Touching Disk

A technique to run binaries filelessly and stealthily on Linux Without Touching Disk.

#offensive #linux #Antivirus Evasion

CrackMapExec (a.k.a CME)

A Guide to CrackMapExec.A post-exploitation tool for Active Directory networks.

#offensive #post-exploitation #crackmapexec #Active-Directory

Windows Privilege Escalation.

A Guide to do Windows Privilege Escalation.

#windows #privilege #offensive

Linux Privilege Escalation

Guide to Linux Privilege Escalation.

#offensive #linux #Privilege